Spooky season is upon us: Social media content ideas For October 2024

Pumpkin season or spooky season, no matter what you call it, is here.
As we head further into autumn and the days become crisper and the nights cooler, we see the changes that this season brings to the world around us. October is a great month filled with lots of relatable National days and events for you to use in your marketing content.
Our monthly social media marketing ideas blogs are useful for keeping up with trends, events, and National days enabling you to continue to get involved and reach as many people as possible. So, what do we have to look forward to this month? Find the details below.
If you need more ideas to help when you have a creative block, download our 30 FREE SOCIAL MEDIA IDEAS pdf.

National Days for October
All month – Breast Cancer Awareness Month, International Walk to School Month and ADHD Awareness Month
1st – National Hair Day – #NationalHairDay
1st – World Vegetarian Day
1st – International Coffee Day – #internationalcoffeeday
2nd – Name Your Car Day
2nd-8th – Back Care Awareness Week – #backpain #backcare #wellness
4th – World Animal Day – #worldanimalday #BeKindToAnimals
4th – World Smile Day – #SmileDay #WorldSmileDay
5th – National Do Something Nice Day – #DoSomethingNiceDay
5th – World Teachers Day – #WorldTeachersDay #TeachersDay #ThanksToMyTeacher #BestInClass
5th-3rd Nov – Family Learning Festival – #InspiringCuriosity #FamilyLearningFestival
6th – Grandparents Day – #grandparentsday #AgeConcern
6th – National Badger Day – #NBD23
7th-11th – National Work Life Week – #WorkLifeWeek
7th-13th – Dyslexia Awareness Week – #DAW24
8th – World Octopus Day – #OctopusDay #WorldOctopusDay
9th – 15th – National Curry Week – #nationalcurryweek #happynationalcurryweek
9th – 15th Baby Loss Awareness Week
10th – World Sight Day – #LoveYourEyes #SightDay #WorldSightDay
10th – World Mental Health Day – #ToHelpMyAnxiety
11th – World Egg Day – #EggDay #WorldEggDay
12th-20th – Bone and Joint Week
13th – National No Bra Day – #nobraday #nationalnobraday #breastcancerawareness
14th-20th – National Baking Week – #NationalBakingWeek #NBW #bakingweek
15th – Wave of Light for Baby Loss Awareness Week #WaveofLight
16th – Restart a Heart Day – #RestartAHeart
16th – World Food Day – #WorldFoodDay
16th-22nd – Chocolate Week
18th – Wear it Pink Day – #WearItPink #BreastCancerNow
18th – 25th – Epilepsy Action National Tea and Cake Break
20th – World Osteoporosis Day – #osteoporosis
21st – National Apple Day – #AppleDay #NationalAppleDay
21st -27th – National Adoption Week – #NationalAdoptionAwarenessWeek
24th – National Farmers Day – #NationalFarmersDay
25th – World Pasta Day – #WorldPastaDay
27th – National Mentoring Day – #NationalMentoringDay
27th – Clocks go back
29th – International Internet Day – #InternetDay #NationalInternetDay #InternationalInternetDay
31st – Halloween – #Halloween #Spooky #Pumpkin
Social Media Post Ideas for October
It feels as though the children have only just settled back at school and back into the family life routine, when we’re faced with another half-term holiday (in England). The good news is there are tonnes of events happening throughout the holidays, and of course, there are many national days and events to sink your teeth into and get involved in.
Why not make the most of the changing scenery and the beautiful autumnal colours by taking your own images while out and about or using some picture-perfect snaps from a library. Seasonal images can really stir up the senses and give the right emotional reaction when used in creative ways to promote your products and services.

Health and Wellbeing Content Ideas for October
October is a popular month for health and wellbeing-related causes; the entire month is ADHD Awareness Month, and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Breast Cancer Awareness Event Wear It Pink falls on the 18th of October and is a fundraising event to help raise vital money for breast cancer research. Make sure to pop on something pink, sign up to take part, and raise as much as you can… don’t forget to get involved using the hashtags and other marketing campaigns online.
Another way to raise money for breast cancer research is on National No Bra Day; you can take part in social media by highlighting the importance of breast cancer screening and recognising the symptoms. It’s such an important cause to support, no matter how you decide to get involved.
If any of you are in the field of massage, physiotherapy, or something within the industry, it’s Back Care Awareness Week on the 2nd and World Osteoporosis Day on the 20th; can you give hints and tips on ways to do an at-home massage or simple ways to improve your posture when sitting in the office?
We see World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October this year; a great time to share a relatable quote or share a story to show support, kindness, and help others who may be going through mental health problems.
Dyslexia Awareness Week 7th-13th, National Adoption Week 21st-27th, add to the lengthy list of health and wellbeing-related events in October. Restart a Heart Day falls on the 16th, Bone and Joint Week appears between the 12th-20th and Epilepsy Action National Tea and Cake Break falls on the 18th.
Tying in with health events should feel natural for your brand to either be relatable to your offering or audience or be something personal to you, such as a charity you may be supporting.
Food & Drink Content Ideas for October
It’s World Vegetarian Day on the 1st; give a shoutout to your favourite restaurants or share a recipe with your audience if it feels natural. International Coffee Day also appears on the 1st, and if coffee is the way you wake up, do you prefer hot or iced coffee? Almond or semi-skimmed milk? Coffee can be an easy topic to relate to!
World Food Day falls on the 16th, and the midlands favourite, National Curry Week begins on the 9th. Can you honour the nation’s favourite cuisine or celebrate the Indian restaurant industry?
Whether you prefer homemade bread or a tasty chocolate treat, the week of the 14th is National Baking Week and the 16th is Chocolate Week!
Not forgetting World Pasta Day on the 25th, maybe an opportunity to share a joke… “Why didn’t the ravioli get invited to hang out with the cool pasta? Because he was a little square!”
It can be quite simple to engage with your audience around these food and drink events; people love to talk about food, reminisce about old chocolate bars, or celebrate their current favourite. Sharing your favourite recipes/restaurant recommendations or voting between extremely hot or mild curry (being the most favoured) are all great ways of engaging with people.
Fun Social Media Post Ideas for October

Halloween has grown year after year and is now a massive event, making it a great opportunity for you to find something for everyone to relate to. From pumpkin carving tips, recipes for the left-over pumpkin inners, and other spooky-themed snacks, content creation throughout Halloween can be endless. You can also post party game ideas and advice on where to buy or how to make the best costumes. Even simply running a poll for the most popular scary movie should engage your audience.
The 31st will be full of tricks and treats. Can you follow suit and offer a promotion or treat for your audience? What outfit will you be sporting to a party, or do you have a little hint of a DIY costume for people to create at home? Need to know more – read our blog – Marketing Ideas for Halloween.
World Smile Day falls on the 4th, a day to perform an act of kindness to make someone smile.
Family Learning Festival begins on the 5th and continues into November, a national celebration to mark and inspire a love of learning in family life. Organisations of all shapes, types, and sizes, from schools and children’s centres, through libraries to museums and galleries, put on brilliant and creative events and showcase ideas and learning opportunities that families can do afterwards. It’s International Walk to School Month throughout October, an opportunity to join thousands of children across the globe in celebrating their walk to school; can you make it a fun experience for your children, or can you park further away and walk the rest of the journey? Share your experiences with others and don’t forget those hashtags!

Content Ideas for October
The clocks go back on the 27th – giving us an extra hour in bed…someone tell the kids!
National Work Life Week is from the 7th, a Working Families’ annual campaign to get employers and employees talking about well-being at work and work-life balance. Employers can use this week to provide staff activities and showcase their flexible working policies and practices. Join the conversation using #WorkLifeWeek.
October provides a wonderful opportunity to give a shout-out to those who help and support us in our family lives, with Grandparents Day on the 6th and World Teachers Day on the 5th.
National Mentoring Day falls on the 27th, and the charity asks everyone to commit one hour to mentor someone. Everyone has certain skills and different experiences to share as a mentor. And a single word, an hour of your time, or just one person can be everything that is needed to create and promote a positive change in someone. Can you get involved and share your expertise or offer a shout-out to someone who has helped you in your life or career?
Social Media Housekeeping
Marketing is all about staying persistent; keeping up with trends, events, and national days across the month in your social media marketing helps you remain seen, ensuring that when someone does need your products and services, you’ll be easier to find when the time is right.
Having continuous, relevant, and engaging content is the best way of increasing your engagement, improving your SEO, and ultimately making it easier for people to find you.
We stay on top of our monthly social media marketing ideas blogs, releasing them in advance to help you plan. Make sure to check out our other blogs across the year to help you gain ideas and inspiration to include in your marketing for your business.
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