Social Media Content Ideas For August

Social Media Content Ideas For August

Social Media Content Ideas for August 2024

Some people say that August is the most perfect month of the summer. The sunshine brings us a good dose of Vitamin D along with boosting our serotonin levels which makes us all happier! In August we are practically required by law to find some time to take it easy!

As business owners we need to think about keeping the engagement continuing throughout the month scheduling in social media posts even if we are away. Our monthly social media marketing ideas blogs are here to help you keep up with trends, events, and National days to continue to get involved and reach as many people as possible. So, what do we have to look forward to this month? Find the details below. If you need more ideas to help when you have a creative block, download our 30 FREE SOCIAL MEDIA IDEAS pdf.

National Days for August

2nd – International Beer Day         #IntBeerDay

2nd – 26th – Edinburgh Festival Fringe      #edfringe

5th August Bank Holiday (in Scotland)

7th – Play Day    #playday2024 #PlayingAndCulture

8th – International Cat Day           #InternationalCatDay #PurrfectPlay

12th – International Youth Day

12th – 18th – National Allotment Week     

12th – 18th – National Afternoon Tea Week             #AfternoonTeaWeek

12th – World Elephant Day

13th – National Prosecco Day      #ProseccoDay #NationalProseccoDay

13th – Left-Handers Day                #LeftHandersDay

14th – Falklands Day

15th – AS Level, A Level & T Level Results Day

16th – National Tell a Joke Day    #TellAJokeDay

16th – 25th – All Points East Festival

19th – National Potato Day           #PotatoDay #NationalPotatoDay

19th – World Photography Day   #WorldPhotographyDay

22nd – GCSE Results Day

21st – 25th – Reading and Leeds Festival

22nd – 25th – Creamfields

25th – 26th – Notting Hill Carnival              #NHC #NottingHillCarnival

26th – Summer Bank holiday

26th – International Dog Day

Social Media Essentials Club

Social Media Content Ideas for August

For some, especially parents, August brings a break from working lives and time relaxing with family and friends. The school summer holidays are in full swing with lots of activities being sought to keep everyone happy.

The August bank holiday falls on the 26th of the month and marks the last week of the summer holidays, this is a lovely time to post about what you have been up to in the summer, pictures are a lovely thing to accompany your posts. If there are any last-minute ideas you have for parents to entertain the family as the new school year and term draws closer then now is the time to share, or your latest offers to attract some more visitors before the normal weekly routine returns for many.

Festival ideas for August

Edinburgh Festival and Fringe takes place from the 2nd-26th and is the world’s greatest platform to show creativity.

Notting Hill Carnival is one of the world’s biggest celebrations and will take place from the 25th- 26th.

Creamfields running 22nd -25th in Daresbury, featuring big names such as Calvin Harris, Peggy Gou, and Chase & Status.

Reading & Leeds Festivals are a pair of annual music festivals that take place in Reading and Leeds simultaneously on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this year being 21st-25th. This year brings artists including Lana Del Rey, Liam Gallagher, and Fred Again…

All Points East is an annual music festival held over two weekends in London’s Victoria Park, 16th-18th and 23th-25th. If you’re attending any festivals, here are a couple of things to cash in on throughout social media when you can – tag the people you have met – you never know who can become a great contact, whether it’s a business ally, potential customer or business partnership, the biggest losses in business, come from missed opportunities. The artists you have seen – do you remember that caricature artist? Post them, The jewellery designer? Post them. The bands you have heard play – everyone else will be posting about them and wanting to see them from different vantage points, post yours, tag them and take advantage of the conversation surrounding them. The food you have eaten; the hashtag #festivalfood has over 150,000 posts on Instagram, this could be a great conversation to be discovered in if it relates to your audience. Talking is the best way to attract new eyes, get interaction and bring in new followers on your journey.

Cultural Events in August

The 19th is World Humanitarian Day and is dedicated to recognising humanitarian people and those who lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. It especially focuses on those who put their lives at risk trying to help people in war-stricken and disease-ridden areas. Falklands Day falls on the 14th and is the celebration of the first sighting of the Falkland Islands in 1592 by John Davis.

2024 marks the 22nd year of National Allotment Week running from 12th-18th and the theme this year is Celebrating Biodiversity on UK Allotments. Try sharing useful and informative topics about Bio Diversity including pollinators and wildlifeeducating the next generation, eco-friendly pest controlcompanion plantingsoil health and more.

Share images of your home-grown veggies, whether they are strategically placed on a sunny windowsill, in a vegetable patch at the bottom of your garden or grown with care in your allotment. Share recipes for your favourite foods or inform people about the health benefits of different ingredients. If you are a personal trainer, gardener or just enjoy growing food, this week is for you so make the most of it in your social media marketing ideas.

For those of you that can relate your business and its products/services back to children, families or anything in between, there’s a lovely event – Playday – taking place on the 7th which would fit in beautifully with your social media marketing. Playday is the national day for play, as well as a celebration of children’s right to play, Playday is a campaign that highlights the importance of play in children’s lives. This year’s theme is ‘Play – the culture of childhood’. This year’s theme celebrates the rich and lively culture of children’s play. Every child plays – playfulness is a distinct feature of behaviour across generations and cultures. Playing generates a culture of childhood.

It’s also International Youth Day on the 12th, it brings youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrates the potential of youth as partners in today’s global society.

Food & Drink Post Ideas for August

One of our favourite days of the year occurs this month – National Prosecco Day falls on the 13th running right through the middle of Afternoon Tea week commencing on the 12th-18th, what a great idea to put them together! Post that all-time great debate, what comes first, jam or cream? If you fancy a different kind of tipple International Beer Day is on the 2nd. Slightly more obscure but National Potato Day falls on the 19th, with all the hype and interest about air fryers this year could you post a recipe incorporating it?

Fun Post Ideas for August

Heading into the ‘Miscellaneous’ category for this month’s social media marketing ideas for August; The 13th is National Left-Handers Day #lefthandersday; did you know Lefties make up roughly 12 per cent of the world’s population and are said to use more of the right side of their brain but are also more likely to allergies (apparently). It’s World Photography Day on the 19th, a great event to feature any images you have taken of your business, team, products, and anything else you can think of, nature, architecture, food, or people and share them across your social channels and don’t forget to use the hashtag #worldphotographyday to make sure your images are featured alongside others. is currently accepting submissions for photos to be featured on their site, for the world to appreciate! International Cat Day is on the 8th and International Dog Day is on the 26th, this is a great way to get engagement from others as everyone likes to share cute photos of their furry friends!

Social Media Housekeeping

If things are quieter for you this month and you find yourself with some extra time, now is a great time to do a bit of social media housekeeping; make sure all information on your social media accounts is correct and up to date to ensure your customers and clients can find the information they need.

Other aspects to review are the ‘cosmetic’ features of your social media – have you changed your header images recently? Can you update your bios or descriptions or share some news with your audience in the form of a new blog post? Blogging is a simple way of improving your SEO score and makes it easier for people to find you. It’s also a great way to stay active and seen across your social media accounts.

If you’re quiet, it’s always a good idea to start planning for the next few months ahead. Not only does it take any pressure off when it comes to filling in your monthly content but also frees up some of your time – have you got any big events or anniversaries to celebrate? Do we dare mention the other C-word…Christmas?!

Marketing is about persistence; keeping up with the trends, events, and national days across the month in your social media marketing helps you remain seen, ensuring that when someone does need your products and services, you’ll be easier to find when the time is right.

We stay on top of our monthly social media marketing ideas blogs, releasing them in advance to help you plan, so look at our other blogs across the year to help you gain ideas and inspiration to include in your marketing for your business.

Social Media Essentials Club

Are you struggling to create captivating and engaging content for your social media platforms? Do you find it challenging to plan your posts in advance and stay consistent? Well, we have fantastic news for you!

We created our Social Media Essentials Club, as your go-to solution for all your content planning needs. And the best part? It’s absolutely FREE!

Boost Engagement: We will guide you on crafting content that grabs attention, sparks conversations, and generates meaningful interactions with your audience.

Strategic Planning: Say goodbye to last-minute posting stress! Gain access to our comprehensive content planning tools and techniques that will help you map out your social media calendar well in advance.

Creative Inspiration: Need fresh ideas? We’ve got you covered! Join our vibrant community of like-minded business owners who share ideas.

Remember, this club is entirely FREE, and there are no hidden fees or obligations. We genuinely believe in empowering business owners like you to achieve social media success without breaking the bank.

Claim your free membership today and unlock your content creation potential! See you inside the club!

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Social Media Post Ideas for Business