Networking with Covhourlive

We talk a lot about the importance of Twitter networking hours and how we personally use them in our own marketing strategy. We love taking part #Covhour which takes place every Thursday evening 8-9pm. #Covhour was created by Jo Brooks 5 years ago, she runs it week in week out for the love of our fair city and it has been great to get to know Jo and support her in growing awareness of the networking hour.

Covhour Twitter Networking

Last year a group of us got together to help Jo organise a #Covhourlive event. The idea is to give the people who have met online the opportunity to meet in person.

In October we held our 5th live event at the Old Grammar School in Coventry City Centre (home of Trish Willetts and Coventry Business Improvement District). Networking opportunities combined with speakers from across the region make it a well-attended event. We heard from the new Chief Executive of the Coventry 2021 team Martin Sutherland. Martin gave an inspiring talk on how the opportunity to get involved in the City of Culture 2021 was there for the taking. We very much look forward to seeing the developments over the next 2 years and getting involved as much as possible.

On the menu… a local Coventry delicacy the ’Coventry Godcake’. A medieval recipe which was once given by Godparents to their Godchildren. Networking and cake, what a perfect combination. It was a great opportunity to meet up with lots of the people we speak to on a regular basis on Twitter.

It’s always a joy to listen to Trish Willetts from Coventry Business improvement District talk about the exciting developments going on within the city centre.

So if you’ve not tried a Twitter networking hour check out our recent blog on the subject and see how it could work for you and your business.

Next up for Covhourlive – Christmas drinks and nibbles at Smith’s Nurseries and Garden Centre.

Piece of Cake Marketing – Marketing Agency Coventry.