Father’s Day Marketing Ideas

Father’s Day falls on Sunday 16 June in the UK this year and is a great opportunity for businesses and family members to celebrate their dads and all father figures, the step-dads, father-in-laws, grandads, brothers, uncles, friends and more. 

If you are looking to create content around this special day, there are plenty of topics you can cover. Gift ideas, activities, different ways to celebrate the day, and so much more.

To make this Father’s Day one that delivers results to your business, we have put together some guidance to help you focus on your marketing in the lead-up to this special day.

Do you struggle to create engaging content on your social media platforms?

Are you unsure how to use awareness days to boost your profile?

Does your competition share inspiring content, and do you wish you had time to do the same?

Is your confidence lacking when it comes to social media?

Let’s take the overwhelm out of being online

Our FREE download 30 SOCIAL MEDIA POST IDEAS was designed to help you build an engaging platform using prompts and a few strategies we use with our marketing clients.

Father’s Day Marketing

Firstly, make sure you plan out your Father’s Day marketing campaigns. Our recommendation is to put together a content and activity calendar to ensure you are well prepared to deliver on targeted marketing campaign activity, such as those crucial social media posts.  Ad-hoc marketing, without any forward planning, is more challenging to manage and can have a negative impact on delivering the results you want it to.  Having a marketing calendar of activity helps when drafting up the social posts you are going to create to support the activity you have planned.

Father’s Day Marketing Campaign Ideas

What makes a Father’s Day campaign deliver results? Make sure you use multiple ideas and channels of social media. It is about variety, consistency in messaging and about linking your marketing to the products or services you are selling.

Campaigns that encourage engagement work well and gives you the opportunity to reach existing and new customers as well as an opportunity to gather customer data to build into your contacts database.

Competitions are probably the most obvious way of creating engagement, making sure you keep them simple so the audience do not have to go to lots of efforts to win prizes. Think about data collection and linking this to your competition and any follow-up marketing you may send to them.

There are plenty of other ideas that could make a successful campaign. 

  • Consider your in-store displays and advertising. Are there any special offers or promotions you want to put on in the weeks leading up to Father’s Day itself.
  • As part of the in-store or online displays, think about any specific Father’s Day products and bundles you might want to offer.  These can be promoted in-store or through your marketing channels, including social media by way of a Father’s Day gift guide.

Father’s Day Email Marketing

Email Marketing for Fathers Day

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate to your customers and market your Father’s Day campaign.  But first it is really important to ask for permission.  Not everyone wishes to celebrate Father’s Day, so before you release your email campaigns ask the contacts on your database if they want to receive the comms around Father’s Day promotions.

When you are producing an email marketing campaign, our tips for things to look out for and be aware of include:

  • Visual impact: make sure it is visually appealing, on-brand and in-line with your campaign.  This makes it recognisable. Before we even look at the content of an email, we are drawn in using images. The more eye-catching the better!
  • Offer up ideas and tips for the perfect Father’s Day. By doing this you are giving something back to your contacts, which will mean they will be engaged for longer.
  • Remember the call to action. Consider what you want them to do once they have seen the email – order a product, call to book, download a guide.  Make sure the call to action is visible, eye-catching, and easy to follow as this will increase the chances of the action you want to be taken followed through.

If you’re looking for a great email marketing platform we can highly recommend Flodesk. Use our affiliate link to save 50% on your first year.

Father’s Day Social Media Content

Social media channels are the most direct and effective ways of communicating out to your customers, as well as attracting new ones through raising the number of followers on your accounts. 

You can use your social media accounts to reinforce your Father’s Day marketing campaign and ensure your posts are promoting and mirroring your wider campaign activity.  For example, if you are running a competition, make sure you are creating social media posts that promote the competition and remind followers to enter.  If it’s something that is more interactive, you can use social media as the source to share other people’s posts, pictures, and videos.  You can also create bespoke hashtags and encourage your followers to share content using the hashtags you have created.

We recommend that you create a social media content calendar that sits alongside the campaign calendar and mirrors the activity with the social posts as this gives your campaign that consistent feel which is important.

Whatever social media channels you use to promote your business, make sure that the content that you create is the type of content that works best on those. You could also use something new, you might just use images and short videos on Instagram, but how about trying out Reels and Live stories?  Twitter is great for short, sharp messaging, but why not try a poll?

Here at Piece of Cake Marketing we specialise in social media management and content.  If you need FREE support to help you manage your social media accounts check out our Social Media Essentials Club.

Father’s Day Social Media Post

Once you have the Father’s Day marketing campaign plan you now need to create the posts. Producing a content calendar that sets out the posts you want to make for the duration of the campaign is quite crucial.  It does take time and thought and sometimes working out what you want to post can be a challenge but the preparation beforehand is worth it.

Not only do we recommend that your social post should be made in-line with your campaign activity, it’s also a good opportunity to get creative and it doesn’t always have to be an obvious hard sell.  A blend of targeted campaign social posts and more creative general messaging works well.

Think about including things like inspirational quotes, these can be created in a visual post in-line with your brand.  Countdowns work well too and are great as a reminder to get organised ready for the special day. 

Our top tips to remember when creating social media content:

  1. Try to create a photo or an image to accompany the messaging that you are wanting to put out on social media. 
  2. If you use more than one social media account, make sure you post on them all.  It broadens your messaging to more followers.
  3. Where possible use relevant hashtags and encourage your followers to post using the hashtags, so you can link this back to your campaign.

If you need some inspiration or support with your content creation and planning for your social media accounts, Piece of Cake marketing can help.  Our social media content creation service is a service offer by Piece of Cake where we will look to prepare your social media content calendar for the month, based on your marketing objectives.  To find out more, check out our website here: Social Media Content Creation Service.

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Social Media Post Ideas for Business