TikTok for Local Business Marketing

In recent years, TikTok has surged in popularity, captivating audiences worldwide with its engaging and dynamic content. So, naturally, if you own a local business, it is absolutely useless to you!


TikTok, more now than ever, is becoming a highly useful platform to attract your local audience and bring in customers for your business. While the platform’s global reach is undeniable, with the right strategies, TikTok can be a powerful tool for local businesses to connect with their community, increase brand awareness, and drive foot traffic.

However, many local businesses are hesitant to dive into TikTok marketing, fearing they might not attract the right audience and we think this is a big shame, hence the creation of this very blog. So, if this sounds a little like you, keep reading on as we will tell you exactly how to master TikTok marketing for local businesses.

Understanding TikTok’s Potential for Local Marketing (H2)

Understanding TikTok's Potential for Local Marketing

As you probably already know, it’s all about the algorithm these days and TikTok’s algorithm is designed to promote content that resonates with groups and sections of its viewers, which includes content relevant to local communities. By understanding the power TikTok has to spread awareness about your business, whether you want it to go viral across the world or viral within your small town, you can take your TikTok game to the next level and connect with your audience. Here’s how:

Utilise Local Hashtags

This is probably the simplest option you have to begin attracting the right audience for your content, and that is to simply add local hashtags in the caption of your video. It doesn’t get quicker or easier than that!

Hashtags are a vital tool on TikTok for categorising content and reaching specific audiences and the great thing about TikTok is that it does a lot of the work for you. So, if you’re not sure what your local hashtags would be, don’t stress… we’ll explain how to find out.

We suggest starting with typing a hashtag followed by your city or town, for example “#Coventry”. This should always be a safe bet to use, but it will also pull up any other popular hashtags that mention your local area such as “#CoventryRestaurants. We recommend choosing 1 or 2 of these that are relevant to your business. This can and will increase the chances of reaching local users interested in your niche.

Use TikTok’s Geo-Targeting Features

This is another easy one… TikTok offers geo-targeting features that allow businesses to focus their advertising efforts on specific locations. To find this feature, scroll down after writing up your caption and it will say “Location” with a suggestion of places to select. Choose the one that fits closest to your business’s location, and it will tell TikTok who to show your video to.

It’s these little extra steps you can take that will make all the difference.

Use the Right Keywords and look into TikTok SEO

Utilising SEO on TikTok is another great way to hack the algorithm and tell TikTok exactly who would like to see your content. You can tailor the keywords you use to apply towards localising your content. If you’d like to find out how, we have a blog that gives you the full rundown of SEO on TikTok.

Check it out here.

Engage with Your Audience

Interaction is key on social media and will never hurt when trying to attract an audience, especially when trying to build a local community of followers online.

Respond to comments, participate in challenges, and engage with other local businesses. This will not only boost your visibility but also foster a real sense of community. Engaging with your audience shows that you value their input and are an active part of the local scene.

Engage with Local Influencers

Influencers are a great way to reach an already established following, especially if you pick an influencer that resonates with your brand. Partnering with local influencers can significantly amplify your reach within the community as they already have a loyal following that trusts their recommendations. By collaborating with them, you can introduce your business to potential customers in an authentic and credible manner. Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic to ensure the partnership is effective.

Use Analytics to Refine Your Strategy

TikTok offers analytics tools that can help you understand which types of content resonate most with your audience. Regularly review these insights to see what works best and refine your content strategy accordingly. Pay attention to metrics such as engagement rates, view counts, and audience demographics to tailor your content more effectively to your local audience.

TikTok isn’t just for global sensations…

While it might seem challenging to attract a local audience on a global platform like TikTok, with the right approach, it’s entirely possible. By using local hashtags, collaborating with local influencers, engaging with your audience, utilising geo-targeting features, and using analytics to refine your strategy, local businesses can effectively use TikTok to reach and engage with their community. Embracing TikTok as part of your marketing strategy can open up new avenues for growth and customer engagement, helping your business thrive in the local market.

Need Help Growing Your TikTok?

Are you struggling to reach your local audience on TikTok? Let us help you turn your TikTok strategy into a piece of cake!

Our expert team specialises in crafting marketing plans tailored to your local business needs. From strategy sessions to engaging content creation, we’ve got the tools and expertise to help you connect with your community and drive real results.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your local presence. Contact Piece of Cake Marketing today and let us take your TikTok game to the next level! Call us at +44 (0)7799 626332 to get started. Your local audience is just a TikTok away!