Social Media Content Ideas for May

May brings the love of spring and we’re keeping one eye on the changing seasons and preparing for the fun of summer!

We have plenty of ideas to help boost your social media content. You’ll find plenty in here for the month of May. If you need more then download our 30 FREE SOCIAL MEDIA IDEAS pdf.

National Days for May

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

1st – 7th National Gardening Week

2nd – International Harry Potter Day

4th – Star Wars Day

4th – World Laughter Day

5th – International Day of The Midwife

5th – Met Gala

5th – Early May Bank Holiday

10th – World Fair Trade Day

12th – International Nurses Day

12th –18th – Mental Health Awareness Week

13th – World Cocktail Day

13th – 17th – Eurovision Song Contest

17th – World Baking Day

18th – National Children’s Day

19th – 25th – British Sandwich Week

20th – 24th – RHS Chelsea Flower Show

25th – 8th June – French Tennis Open

26th – Spring Bank Holiday

29th – National Biscuit Day

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Social Media Post Ideas for May

As we begin to enter the warmer months, celebrate the longer days and sunnier skies this May. Strum up conversation about summer plans and preparation, encourage new things to try, or show some appreciation for any Gemini birthdays coming up this month! Looking at national days is always a great way to kickstart your content brainstorm, so take a look at what May has to offer in 2025…

Health & Wellbeing Post Ideas for May

World Laughter Day on the 4th May is a great way to mentally lighten your load, can you share some funny stories with your customers or encourage them to tell them yours? This year’s topic for Mental Health Awareness Week 12th – 18th May is community. This will celebrate the power and importance of how being part of a safe, positive community can improve your metal health. All month brings Skin Cancer Awareness, a campaign which takes place each year and aims to raise awareness of the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and educate the public about the ways to help prevent skin cancer.

Sporting Events in May

For the tennis fans out there, the French Open runs from 25th May to 8th June in Roland Garros, Paris – who will be the big hitters this year?

National Days in May

This month brings two Bank Holidays in the UK. Early May Bank Holiday falls on 5th May and the origins of the tradition lie firmly in pagan or pre-Christian traditions influenced by astrology, the sun, the moon, the stars, and therefore the seasons. Popular traditions included maypole dancing, Morris dancing, and the crowning of the May Queen – some might say these are now quirky British traditions, do you have a May Queen in your area? The second Bank Holiday falls on 26th celebrating the new season of Spring.

Food & Drink Post Ideas for May

Food & Drink Social Media Content Ideas

There are many sweet treats this month! World Baking Day is on the 17th, and celebrate your favourite biscuit on National Biscuit Day on the 29th, ask your followers whether you should dunk or not to dunk. #WorldCocktailDay is on the 13th, if you are in the food & drinks business you could maybe run a competition online to make a new cocktail. British Sandwich Week 19th – 25th May, celebrates the nations love for the savoury treat, the top sandwich for Brits is the classic Plougman’s cheese.

Fun Social Media Ideas for May

Since 2012 the 2nd May has been celebrated as International Harry Potter Day and marks the significance of J.K. Rowling’s work. If you are based in an education or children’s setting this is the perfect day to introduce the children to the magical world of Harry Potter. The very popular ‘May the Forth Be With You’ – Star Wars Day is celebrated all over the world on 4th May and since Disney officially purchased LucasFilm in 2012 they have continued to observe the day at Walt Disney World ever since. This year’s Eurovision Song Contest will be 13th – 17th May and is set to take place in Switzerland.

Struggling with creating your social media content? You know it’s important, but you don’t know where to begin or struggle to stay on track?

Download our 30 FREE SOCIAL MEDIA IDEAS pdf.

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Social Media Post Ideas for Business